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Les ouvrages de référence
Aide au diagnostic des stations d'épuration par l'observation microscopique des boues activées
Canler, J-P; Perret, J-M; Duchène, P; Cotteux, E. (1999) Cemagref éditions
Manual on the causes and control of activated sludge bulking, foaming and other solid separation pro
Jenkins, D; Richard, M; Daigger, G (2004) CRC Press
Process control of activated sludge plants by microscopic investigation
Eikelboom, D. (2000) IWA publishing
Microbial ecology of activated sludge
Seviour, R; Nielsen, PH (2010) IWA publishing
Activated sludge separation problems
Rossetti, S; Tandoi, V; Wanner, J (2017) IWA publishing
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